Texas Southern University (TSU) was formally established in 1947 with a mission to establish a credible college for African-American students. Today, TSU offers a variety of academic programs to students of diverse backgrounds, cultures and levels of scholastic achievement.
In 1973, the state designated TSU as “a special purpose institution of higher education for urban programming.” Ascribing to the global implications of its urban mission, the University focuses on high quality teaching, research and public service as a means of preparing students for leadership roles in the urban communities of our state, nation and world.
Texas Southern University (TSU) is one of the nation’s largest historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs). TSU provides a first class educational experience, offering over 120 baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degree programs in nine schools and colleges. The University has assets exceeding $250 million and currently has over 10, 800 students enrolled. Visit Texas Southern University online at xfaq.letaoyizs.com.
Schools and Colleges
- Jesse H. Jones School of Business
- Thurgood Marshall School of Law
- College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- College of Education
- College of Science, Engineering and Technology
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- School of Communications
- College of Continuing Education
- Graduate School
- Barbara Jordan Mickey-Leland School of Public Affairs
- Thomas F. Freeman Honors College
Jesse H. Jones School of Business
The fastest growing school within Texas Southern University, the Jesse H. Jones School of Business plays an integral role in providing a diverse educated workforce prepared to succeed in today’s ever-changing highly competitive workforce. At the Jesse H. Jones School of Business students receive a hands-on, practical experience that teaches the skills employers demand. Click HERE for more information on the Jesse H. Jones School of Business.
Thurgood Marshall School of Law
The Thurgood Marshall School of Law, was created as a consequence of a 1946 lawsuit brought by Heman M. Sweatt. Under the Texas Constitution, which required separate but equal treatment, Mr. Sweatt was refused admission to the University of Texas School of Law because he was black. As a result, the legislature provided for an interim and separate law school for Negroes. During its first academic year, the law school was housed in Austin, Texas, and was subsequently transferred to the new university campus in Houston. Click HERE for more information on the Thurgood Marshall School of Law.
College Of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Currently serving over 800 pre-professional and professional health profession students, the Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS) has the distinction of being one of the nation’s leading producers of minority health professionals. For the past half‑century, the College has distinguished itself by graduating almost one‑third of the Black pharmacists practicing nationwide. TSU has also been a leading producer of Black medical technologists and respiratory therapists, meeting local, state and national health care needs. Click HERE for more information on the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.
College of Education
The mission of the College of Education at Texas Southern University is "to provide competent career professionals for effective service in urban schools utilizing research, collaboration, and application in seeking solutions to teaching, learning, social, physical and behavioral issues facing urban populations." The College of Education has provided innovative approaches to education since 1947. Currently the College serves 1,119 students. Click HERE for more information on the College of Education.
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
The College of Science and Technology's mission is consistent with the mission of the university. We are committed to educate a diverse population in the science, engineering and technology disciplines for the professions to conduct research and scholarly pursuits for the advancement of knowledge; and to serve society and the communities consistent with the mission of the University. These degree programs are housed in the Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Physics, Engineering Technologies, Industrial Technologies, Mathematics and Transportation Studies Departments. Click HERE for more information on the College of Science and Technology.
College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences
The College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences is the most diversified instructional unit at the University, encompassing eight departments that offer 20 degrees, thirteen Bachelors and seven Masters. Nearly half of all undergraduate students on campus are engaged in programs of study in the College. The aim is to create more knowledgeable, responsible and humane individuals. In an effort to have highly employable graduates, the College seeks to provide the knowledge and understanding necessary for its majors to perform successfully in their specific discipline, as well as in education, mass communications, politics, the international areas and the performing arts. In addition to being prepared to be a leader in today’s diverse workforce, the graduate from the College will be exposed to a variety of literary and cultural experiences. Click HERE for more information on the College of Liberal Arts and Behavioral Sciences.
College of Continuing Education
The Texas Southern University Weekend College and Division of Continuing Education was re-designated the College of Continuing Education by the Board of Regents June 3, 1994; this alteration marks one of the most significant changes in the unit since it was created in 1973 as the Weekend College. In 1973, the Texas Legislature recognized Texas Southern University as a "special purpose institution of urban programming." Considering the history of Texas Southern University and the former Weekend College, the challenge for the College of Continuing Education is to continue the legacy of responding pro-actively to challenges from the state, city, and the University community. The role of the College of Continuing Education is to provide programs and services that affirm the University's mission. Operationally, the College of Continuing Education is Texas Southern University's administrative unit for delivering non-credit courses. More specifically, this non-academic unit is designed to meet identifiable community needs in lifelong learning and professional development by providing educational opportunities for all citizens. The College also provides its constituency with access to quality non-credit programs in urban areas and around the state of Texas. Click HERE for more information on the College of Continuing Education.
Graduate School
The Graduate School was established as a unit of Texas Southern University when the institution was created by the Texas State Legislature in 1947. Since its establishment, the Graduate School has grown steadily and currently offers degree programs in thirty-six different academic fields. Graduate courses are taught by faculty members who have been selected for graduate faculty status by the Graduate Council. Regular graduate faculty members have the doctorate degree and hold research and publication credits. Research and training are also supported by several centers of research and outreach including: Economic Development Center (EDC), Center for Excellence in Urban Education, Center for Transportation Training and Research (CTTR), Mickey Leland Center on World Hunger and Peace, Center on the Family, Research Centers in Minority Institutions, Cardiovascular Center, and the NASA Research Center in Biotechnology and Environmental Health. Click HERE for more information on the Graduate School.
Barbara Jordan—Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs
The mission of the Barbara Jordan—Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs is to serve as an urban focused community of learning dedicated to educating professionals who will plan and administer environmentally healthy and sustainable communities at the local, state, national and international levels of society. Students in the School who successfully complete their degree programs become well versed in the theories, concepts and practical procedures of the challenging world of public policy making and administration of justice. Their majors help prepare them for effective participation in government, non-governmental organizations and private sector careers. An excellent background is also provided for students interested in pursuing careers in the legal profession as well as in a wide variety of graduate and professional school programs. Click HERE for more information on the Barbara Jordan—Mickey Leland School of Public Affairs.